Become a Registered Parishioner at The Parish of Our Lady and St Therese
It is an expectation that those who regard themselves as parishioners are registered and it is hoped that they participate in the worship, mission, and ministry of our parish community, and assist us with our projects and debt repayments.
If you call The Parish of Our Lady and St Therese your parish home, we invite you to become a registered parishioner.
Please fill out the registration form and return it to the Parish Office or put in the Mass collection basket.
Parish Financial Support
Financially supporting Essendon parish allows us:
- To build a strong faith community and a welcoming parish infrastructure
- To provide quality personnel and programs, and pastoral, educational, liturgical and welfare services.
- To ensure financial security to service parish, meet new challenges, and complete parish development/projects.
Online Giving Portal
Parishioners can now make secure financial contributions to support the parish and/or clergy via this website: or by using the QR code below. You can choose to make a one-off donation or set up recurring monthly payments.