Parish Boundaries

Do you live in The Parish of Our Lady and St Therese, Essendon?

As of Saturday 25 January 2025, the two parishes of St Therese’s Essendon and Our Lady of the Nativity, Essendon West are officially amalgamated to form The Parish of Our Lady and St Therese, Essendon.

The Parish of Our Lady and St Therese, Essendon is bordered by St Vincent de Paul Parish (Strathmore), St Monica’s Parish (Moonee Ponds), St John Bosco (Niddrie), St Martin de Porres (Avondale Heights), St Peter’s (East Keilor) and St Mary/St Margaret (Ascot Vale).

Click here to view the list of streets within our parish.

Please click on the map below to download a pdf of our parish boundaries.